Monday, August 01, 2005

Live from Salt Lake, it's Monday Morning

Welcome to The Rule of Three (or the rule of 3, if you like). We are three guys who love geeky games, books, movies, comics, and TV shows. In short, all things geek.

Today, I'm covering a new addition to Wizkids collectible miniatures game of Heroclix. We call this game plastic crack because it's that addicting. Recently they've started including Feat and Battlefield condition cards with every booster. Some of these are insane. When we played Friday night I built two entire teams around one Feat card. The new Fantastic Four card. This card replaces the old team ability with the ability to share defense values amongst team members, regardless of their placement on the map. This type of ability was hithertofor restricted to adjacent figures. If you play Heroclix at all you'll immediately realize the potential here. We don't restrict 'retired figures' in our games so I used the E Invisible Woman from the Clobberin Time series. She has a 19 Defense and Stealth. I also had an LE Peter Parker, U Loki, and a V Dr Strange. So now all my figures have a 19 Defense and Dr Strange has Energy Shield Deflection, boosting that to 21 for ranged attacks. This card almost seems overpowered to me, but there are limits to which figures it applies to. Yes, wild card figures can take advantage of it. No, you may not use the new Thunderbolts Card to give this power to all your Avengers characters.

There are plenty of new Feats and Battlefield conditions that can tip the game on it's ear. Don't overlook any Feat card, and perhaps even more importantly, don't bank on any one card either. A simple "Disbanded" battlefield condition card would have ruined my day.


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