Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Despite my previous achievements with custom made/altered clix figures, I must say I'm pretty proud of my latest creations. Over the weekend, I took two Power Man figures (I've been waiting for the official release of this character...I've always liked him and my initial custom figs for him were severely lacking in the playability department - but then again, what do you expect for repainted Thugs from the Infinity Challenge set?) and made him into an LE Luke Cage by painting his jacket black, pants gray, trimmed down the "Captain America" boots to look more like the metal ankle bracelets (so the cops can keep track of him, maybe?) he wears over his size 14 Buster Browns. Covered up his bare chest with a red T-shirt (nice pecs by the way) and yes, I covered over his homecoming queen tiara. Inserted the custom dial (starts out with a movement of 8 with Charge, 11 attack value with Super Strength throughout the dial, defense of 17 with Invulnerability which eventually changes over to Toughness which stays with him right 'till the painful end, and his damage on the first click is a ho slappin' 4 clicks. He's slightly better than his Veteran level and costs 10 points more, but I think he's worth it and at the very least will prove to be a fun piece to play on the battlefield.

But wait, there's more! I then went on to repaint 3 Checkmate Medics from the Hypertime set (you know, the armored dudes with the pole vault in their mitts) to make a full R/E/V set of Cardiac, the blue and white vigilante from the pages of Spider-Man! His stats aren't mega impressive or anything (I wanted to keep him relatively cheap) but what I love about him is that since he's a doctor, he starts out with Support for a few clicks before switching to Ranged Combat Expert. He'll be a suitable substitute for the LE Xorn (which I don't have) and extremely valuable as a medic when somebody throws down the Warzone BCC.
When all is said is done, his R/E/V point values are 55/66/75, respectively. His damage value is 4 on the first click of each level, then drops to 3 for a few clicks, but never drops below 2.


At 8:26 AM, Blogger Kaplin said...

I'd like to order a set of Cardiacs, por favor! I have the U Xorn, but he's a pricey little bastard at 94.

At 5:39 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

Sure, not a problem. I'm pretty sure I have enough Checkmate Medics to go around.


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