Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Game on!

Ok, this Friday we're going to play a 200 Pogs of War scenario. For those of you who don't know, this means you have a 200 point team and a single bystander token. You mission is to protect the token. It's worth 100 points. If an opponent captures the token and returns it to their starting area, they get 200 points.

For the second game I'd like to play Ryan's Champion scenario. This will be the original 600 points. Designate one fig as champion who will be archenemy to all other champions and thus worth double the points. If two figs are already archenemies, then a KO will get you triple the points. (This is a minor deviation from Ryan's scenario)

If we have time we'll play a 200 point open build with BCC.

See you at my place at 1900 on Friday.


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