Sunday, August 07, 2005

Friday Night Smackdown

So we played a grand total of 3 games this past Friday night. I found myself stuck smack dab in between the other two forces on the map and felt the effects pretty heavily. Matt won the Armor Wars and open build games, but I took home the Gold on our final "Last Call" battle. This is a game where each player can choose only one character (usually, there is no limit to the point value of the character, but for this game, we decided not to exceed 300.) Beau played with his 275 point Unique Ares with a 25 point Fortitude card (can't be outwitted or perplexed), Matt chose his 300 point Custom Nimrod fig that I made for him awhile back, and I wreaked havok with my 300 point Custom Hal Jordan as The Spectre figure. Man, that guy is a walking, er, hovering death sentence! Matt and I joined forces just long enough to bury Ares, then I focused my energies on an already weakened Nimrod. He went down like a slutty prom date on ecstacy.
We'll have to see what goes down next week, providing my wife doesn't go into labor this week and give me another bouncing baby boy to take care of on a Friday night.


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