Thursday, October 13, 2005

For A Limited Time Only

I didn't think of this until I got my case of Indy clix, but I figured out a way to
1.) Enhance my clix collection quite substantially while,
2.) Continuously finding custom projects and,
3.) Making the most of extra figures.

How, you might ask? Simple...inasmuch as they release Limited Edition figures, but since these are so difficult to acquire without paying up the wazoo on ebay, take an extra figure of the character in question, paint the "gold" ring on the base and insert a custom dial with the stats and powers of your choosing. We always talk about how we would have made the characters a little different and this allows us to do so!
For instance, I designed, what I think, is a kick ass Scarecrow. I haven't factored the point value of him yet and he might end up being a little more expensive than his R/E/V versions, but I think his stats represent the increasing fear he inflicts on victims of his fear gas.

Custom LE Dr. Jonathan Crane
Range: 6 Targets: 1 Team Ability: Batman Enemy
Speed 6 6(MC) 6(MC) 5(MC) 5(MC) 4(MC) 4
Attack 7 8(Inc) 9(PB) 10(PB) 9(PB) 8(Inc) 7
Defense 14 15(T) 16(Inv) 17(Imp)16(Inv) 15(T) 14
Damage 1(Out) 2 3 3 3 2 1(Out)

Not that he has any real Invulnerability or Impervious, but victims of his fear gas just think he does and their intense fear of him just makes him that much harder to hit.

If anybody has extra figs they'd like to assign custom stats to, let me know and I can fix 'em up right good for ya!


At 9:45 AM, Blogger Psycho said...

That's one scary Scarecrow. I'd like to place an order.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

Just give me the fig and it's as good as done!


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