Nightly Crisis
So I went and joined the Science Fiction Book Club - the introductory package included 5 books for .50 each and a 6th book for free, so it seemed like a pretty good deal. I wouldn't have joined except for the fact that they carry graphic novels, trade paperbacks, and novels based on comic books. I was able to fulfil my commitment with my first order (only have to buy 2 books at regular club prices within a year) when I bought the novelization of Crisis on Infinite Earths, a Green Lantern novel and got a 3rd book, Queen of the Slayers - a story that takes place shortly after the closing of the Hellmouth at the end of the Buffy series - absolutely free!
I'm enjoying the club already.
I've already dived into Crisis and am about twelve chapters in. It's pretty good so far. I just had to find out what all the fuss was about with the whole Crisis storyline. It can get pretty confusing, what with all the multiple earths floating around out there in the multiverse. Earth 1, Earth 2, Earth 3, Earth D. I wonder if characters from these alternate earths ever take offense at being labeled such as that. Wouldn't they all consider their own Earth to be Earth 1? It's all a matter of perspective.
Somebody’s been reading string theory!
Perhaps I can interest you in a dimensional gate way to my pants? Its fan-testicul you know, it’s a gay old time, and its home to the original Weinershnitzel!! Some times I just kill myself HA HA HA!!!
You kids and your skin flutes……AH HA HA HA!!
What a strange fascination with sexual innuendo you have, my friend. Especially of the gay variety. No wonder you were always talking about Stephen Hawkings' worm hole theory. It all makes sense now.
Tis true, tis true. Although I wouldn’t say my fascination with homosexuality is in anyway superior to my fascination with any other sexual dynamic. It’s the one thing in this world that gives it all meaning…
Oh yes! Stephen Hawkings and his worm hole theory truly does facinate me…but more than that…I bet he got really freak nasty with the ladies in that chair of his!!
I hope that one day his sex tape is leaked, until that day I will wait patiently.
Ah! Crisis of the infinite Innnuendo, That's a classic story about sex on Earth 1, Earth 2, Earth 69, Earth XXX (That's where Orgasmo is from, as well as Bondage-man)
And everybody's favorite leather-clad super villainess: Dominatrix!
She can deflect bullets with her handcuffs, and if she wraps up someone with her whip, they can't help but talk dirty.
What about the gimp?
He's your typical lame ass sidekick. Let's say he has acidic drool.
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