Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Post Game Recovery

Well the "Masked Man" game was the conquest of Ryan. Starting as the monkey in the middle, his pitiful band just happened to lay the smack down on poor Nathan, as my "wait and see" strategy led to very little assistance. While on the other side of the map "Clash of the Bennett’s" was taking place between Matt and Neal, guess ho was the victor. (And no, Victor was not there)

As for the 500pt open build; Matt's medic heavy Spider friends did considerably well until his untimely end at the hands of Ryan and Nate who then turned their aggression toward each other. Neal and I stayed safely out the way attacking all targets of opportunity from a distance.

We were attempting to end the night with the second 200pt open build that not only turned into the game that would never end, but inspired the Last man standing game just to go out on a better note.

Stay tuned for the next exciting game this Friday at my place.


At 8:17 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

"Pitiful band?" Why you gots to be like 'dat? I didn't think it was all that bad. With my Captain America in hindering terrain, he had a defense of 20. If it wasn't for you and your rotten Flash! (Shakes fist in the air.)

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Psycho said...

For the most part your team just didn't seam as big a threat as it was, just like the Rebelion.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

Don't make my blow my nose in your general direction...
...or spill beer on one of your maps.


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