Saturday, October 21, 2006

Death of Supermen

Is our gaming group dying?

Once upon a time, we'd get together to play clix twice a week. Then it became once a week, and now we're lucky if it's once a month.

The suggestion was made, oh, maybe a year ago or so, that we alternate between heroclix and Marvel RPG, which is what we played back in the good old days (you know, High School?). We all agreed that was a decent idea and re-played an old campaign with some kick-ass new characters. Go Hard Corps!

Then that sort of fizzled out too. At least for me anyway. I'm not sure why. I still think Marvel is fun, but it's just taking way too long to get through the damn campaign.

Once upon another time, we'd email each other back and forth NUMEROUS times throughout the day, discussing a little of this and a sampling of that, but usually we focused our thoughts on the random aspects of our geekness (geekocity?) but that has been diminished significantly as well.

This past week for example: I sent out an email on Tuesday morning asking everyone in the group to play on Friday. There were a couple of immediate responses (Beau and Nate with an affirmative, Dustin with a negative and Victor with an ambiguous "maybe".) Nothing from Matt until Friday morning.

We briefly discussed the type of game to play (Marvel or clix) and I tried to take a vote, but that was never really decided.

Then, nothing more was said for the rest of the week until Friday afternoon after I'd already left work for the day.

Sorry fellas, but I need to know if our plans are solid well in advance (by Wednesday preferrably, but by Thursday at the latest) so I can plan accordingly and find someone to watch my kids for me. Friday afternoon simply does me no good.

I know we get busy. I understand that. But are we just getting too busy to keep our gaming group alive?

I guess some of you got together at Neal's last night for...Marvel? Beau called me at home around 6:45 last night asking if I was headed out to Neal's and I said "No, I wasn't sure if we were actually playing tonight, so I didn't make arrangements for a sitter."

Part of this problem is me, and I recognize that. It seems like I'm always the one to try to initiate a game each week and then it's a struggle to plan for it. I'm tired of doing that. Someone else can take the reigns and steer the pack.

Another issue is that I'm afraid we're not getting along as well as we used to. This is just my perspective, but since we don't always agree on things (game related, or not) it's more difficult to spend time with each other. Again, this is probably just one of my own personal hang-ups, but it's affecting my desire to "hang with the guys" lately.

Okay, I've rambled for far too long. Just needed to get some of that shit out there.

Not that any of you read this blog anymore. Just another casualty, I suppose.


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