Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Beware of Lockjaw

We discussed the alteration of the Lockjaw figure and unanimously agreed that, since it's within the scope of his character, he should be allowed to carry more than just one adjacent figure when acting as a transporter. We would assign him this unique ability, similar to that belonging to the Green Lantern Corps. We agreed that having this additional "power", for lack of a better word, would need to be factored into the point value at each of his levels, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out how much that ability would be worth.
As it is, the Lockjaw figure is a bargain; his Rookie is something like 24 points and when I plugged his stats into my Point Value Builder spreadsheet, it calculated his worth at about 41 points.
Since the spreadsheet doesn't have the Green Lantern TA to give me it's estimated worth, I took a Green Lantern and plugged his stats into the spreadsheet as well. What was calculated as a value of 167 was given to the figure as 165. Well, I guess maybe the GL TA should be free, then, eh?
You guys have any suggestions for this dilemma?


At 11:47 AM, Blogger Psycho said...

I suggest maybe 5 to 10 poins for each of the R/E/V would be fair.

At 5:43 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

Oooh, better yet, let's make a custom Feat card for it. Cost: 10 points. That way, we don't have to make any alterations on any of the actual figures themselves.
All in favor?

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Kaplin said...

Hmmm. Would this Custom feet card allow any 'transport' to carry multiple figs? If so, perhaps 15 points.

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

I was thinking more along the lines of a card that was designed specifically for Lockjaw. He would be the prerequisite.

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Kaplin said...

Well, we could write it up like the Lazarus pit, 20 points for every other Transport and 10 for Lockjaw.

At 5:36 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

Yeah, I guess that works. I suppose it's only fair to make it available to other transporters, but I just can't wrap my head around the idea of 8 other superheroes clinging to the bottom of Hawkeye's Sky Cycle.
How about Transporter and Phasing being the two prerequisites? That way, the card only applies to those clicks that have the phasing power on Lockjaw.

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Kaplin said...

Actually, limiting it to Lockjaw is cool. I had giant figs in my head when I said transport. It made sense to have a giant fig able to carry more than one other fig. Hawkeye and Ghost Rider would only be able to carry one other fig.


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