Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Superman Returns: Hits & Misses

Here's what I liked and what I didn't like about last year's Superman Returns flick:

New Costume: Hit! I'm not a big believer in costume changes, but these were subtle enough to maintain the classic look of Supes.

Continuity: Hit and Miss. I appreciate what they were going for with a continuation of the characters and storylines that were presented in the original Christopoher Reeve films. Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth did very well with their portrayals of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, respectively, and the film included many lines and situations that we've already seen in previous films. But I almost would have rathered they tossed out all the stale, old stuff and given us nothing but fresh new stuff.

Lex Luthor: Miss. Frankly, I'm tired of Lex as the "big bad" in Supes' life. They need to bring in more antagonistic characters like Darkseid, or Parasite, or even [gasp!] Doomsday!

Special Effects: Hit. Especially the scene where the bullet bounces off of Superman's cornea. That was sweet.

Bastard Child: Miss. That was dumb. Really.

Parker Posey: Hit! Parker's awesome. If it wasn't for the restraining order, she'd be my girlfriend right now.

Superman's Lifting of a Kryptonite-laced Continent: Miss. A big one as far as I'm concerned. Duh! Kryptonite makes him weak! It's not just a "state-of-mind" limitation he physically affects him and he WOULD NOT be able to accomplish such a feat. It's outside the realm of Superman's reality, even if that reality is based on pure fiction.

Dog Eat Dog: Hit! "Didn't there used to be two of those?" Comedy...I loved it.

I'm sure I'll think of more later, but that's all I've got at the moment.

'Nuff Said!


At 8:33 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

Here's another Hit:
Superman's Listening Post. I loved it when they showed him hovering in the upper atmosphere, watching and listening for trouble on the planet below. This is straight out of the comics, isn't it?
Wouldn't that be awesome if we really had a Superman to save humanity from itself?

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Psycho said...

I agree with all but Lex. That's a hit, Kevin Spacey was perfect casting and for the first Superman film in 18 years I'm okay with him as the bad guy. I see Lex in Supes life the same way Magnito is in the X-men movies, still there just not the main threat.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

I agree wholeheartedly with you that Kevin Spacey was PHENOMENAL as Lex...he's such a great actor. I'm just growing weary of the character of Lex Luthor. We've discussed this before...but he's everywhere! I'm just ready for a new foe is all.
At least they finally got around to introducing Braniac and General Zod in Smallville...
And I'll also go on record to state that Magneto is also getting old as the constant X-Men villain. Bring on the Hellfire Club!

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Psycho said...

I want to see X-men 4 where the Hellfire Club awakens Apocalypse. That is my Ideal movie. The hellfire Club Hires Gambit to break into the X-mansion to steal something from Prof. X’s office and is caught. Since both The Prof. and Jean are gone they have use Rogue to touch him to discover who’s behind it all and so begins their budding romance.


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