Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Supernova Satisfaction

Sweet! My case of Supernova boosters arrived yesterday and I didn't waste any time bustin' those bad boys open!

I was able to get a complete base set, but alas, no Zombie figure.

I have a few extras, but not many, especially once I pulled out a figure for my custom LE for each character.

I'm surprised at how rare some figures can be. I only pulled 4 Silver Surfers, 4 Thors, 4 Drax's, 4 Dr. Spectrums, and just 1 Starhawk.

Oh, and we're getting together for a game this Friday at Beau's house. Since most of us have the day off, we might even be able to assemble a little earlier than usual if y'all want to.

Beau was the only one who came up with suggestions for the games, which are:

"Since it is Thanksgiving this week maybe the main Clix game should have a “bird” theme. Figure names should have “bird” (such as Warbird) or a type of bird (Batman, Robin, ect) I think if the choice seams too limited we could include figures with wings or wings on their costumes like Capt America has wings on his cowl.

Lets say 400 point “Birds of a feather” game and then 500 point anything goes."

Personally, I would be fine with any flying character for the first game.

Man, now I have to build some teams...that could take hours.


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