Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Supernova Thanos

Concerning the Unique Thanos found in the Supernova Heroclix expansion set.

He's definitely an improvement on the original Infinity Challenge figure, but he's not exactly what I was hoping for.

I mean, this is supposed to be The Big Bad Infinity Gauntlet wielding mad Titan Thanos, right? His stats are a little weak, even for game playability. This is the guy that killed off a bunch of Elders of the Universe, smacked Galactus around like a red-headed stepchild and took Death as his lover!

What do we get? A 267 point intergalactic wussy who doesn't even fly! Pshaw!

Sure, they did give him the Power Cosmic Team Ability, so at least they got that right, but it just isn't enough, IMO. Anybody who knows how to use a Superman fig in a game should be able to take this wimp out in no time!

It's a good thing I have an extra Unique Infinity Gauntlet Thanos so I can design some better stats for the would-be god of the Marvel U.

I'll let you know how it turns out.


At 10:55 AM, Blogger Psycho said...

Speaking on behalf of all the red headed step children I say "HEY!"

At 5:56 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

Now, now...you know that comment wasn't directed at you...


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