Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Geek Zodiac year of the Comic Geek

The inner comic geek in me (I know, it looks a lot like the outer comic geek) is in Heaven lately for several reasons. To start, my preorder of the Flash Complete TV Series DVD set will be here in less than a month. Upon receiving, what will be my most prized and coveted DVD box set, will mark fifteen years of impatient waiting paid in full. To add to my much awaited DVD enjoyment over the next few months will include The Justice League animated series season one, and the beginning of its next season on Cartoon Network. Batman beyond Season one and Teen Titans season one DVD box sets are shortly following. And to show that Marvel is not lacking the quality animated products Ultimate Avengers: The Movie will be released on Feb. 21st. to top off geek DVD's, Adult Swim series The Venture Bros. and Robot Chicken are on deck to be released before the year is out.

Speaking of movies, the next year is chalk full of comic geekdom. Top of the list is of course is Superman Returns and it’s about time. This eagerly wanted film has been in development hell for over fifteen years as well. My favorite Marvel character makes his film debut this year, unfortunately Ghost Rider is being played by Nick Cage, but all of my opinions are on hiatus until I see the movie. X3, V for Vendetta and 30 Days of Night for a few more. In development; Batman 2, Spiderman 2, Fantastic Four 2, Sin City 2, The Darkness, Y: the Last Man, Invincible, Wonder Woman being done by Buffy/Angel and Firefly/Serenity god Joss Whedon, The Flash by comic worshipper David Goyer. I tell ya, I’m getting hot just thinking about it.

In Heroclix gaming Galactus gets a run for his money when DC releases the Spectre. Fourteen inches of “God Damn” will take to the tables and judge all who stand against him. We will also see the next DC set Collateral Damage, to round out more of my favorite characters made figures like; Captain Cold, Ragman, Blue Devil, Red Tornado, and Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner.

Not to forget my source of this obsession, Comics! This year is starting off with DC’s twenty year anniversary tribute to Crisis of Infinite Earths, with Infinite Crisis and it's follow up, know only as 52. The ground work for this story began a year and a half ago and has since left me with an urge to either kiss or kill Geoff Johns. Yes, the architect of my pain has a name. Marvel also making hearts race faster with Civil War coming from the ruins of House of M. To the Indy side of things, Invincible’s father Omni-man returns to further complicate the hero’s home life. And for all the Seth Green fans out there, be sure to pick up the last few issues of The Freshman to remind you why college is a bad idea.

Tis the year to Geek out.

Friday, December 16, 2005


For tonight's game, we'll do a 400 point game with "Colors of Christmas" as the theme. Only figures with the colors Green, Red, Silver, Gold and White in their name are allowed. Figures whose costumes or physical description have the majority of one of these colors (or a combination of them) will also be allowed (i.e. Hulk, Wendigo.)
If you'd like to use any characters who can also somehow be linked to Christmas by their name, I'll probably allow it (i.e. Typhoid Mary, Angelus, Northstar, etc.)

After that, we'll do a 300 point open build with Battlefield Condition Cards.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I am Spider-Man

You are intelligent, witty,a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility.

The Flash




Green Lantern


Iron Man



Wonder Woman


Want to know what Superhero you are?