Thursday, November 24, 2005

To all our friends..

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Let's try this again...

This Friday 11/18, we'll do this "Nine-Tenths of the Law" senario as a 400 point game.

Nine-Tenths of the Law:
A grudge match is about to be settled. Both sides bring an ace in the hole—a bodiless spirit with the ability to possess others!

• "Ace in the hole" Each side has a ghostly spirit as one of their characters. This spirit costs 40 points, but does not have a figure. Instead, it is represented by a special marker, called a "spirit counter," and is placed next to one character onyour team.

• "He's acting funny." The character with the special counter next to it is treated as if it had the Mind Control power for as long as it has the counter. If the character makes a successful attack, the attack causes no damage and the counteris moved to the attacked figure. This figure becomes the "possessed" figure, switches sides, and is considered to be part of the controlling spirit's team. The spirit counter may be moved only once per each player's turn. A character withthe special counter cannot be "possessed" by an opposing spirit.

• "Jumping Out" If the figure with the spirit counter is knocked out, the spirit has the chance to jump into another body, even if it has already been moved this turn. This is an immediate attack, and the spirit counter's attack value is considered tobe 9 with a range of 4. This attack does no damage, but instead transfers the spirit to the new body if the attack is successful. If there is no figure within range of the spirit counter, then the counter is considered knocked out.Victory ConditionsAs per the standard rules.

Following that I'd like to suggest a 1000 point game, open build with BFC's. That's right One Thousand! Bring your industrial sized can of Whoop Ass!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Game Friday 11/11

Let's do a 200 point open w/ BFC and a 600 point open without BFC. If we have time, we'll do a 400 point "Nine-tenths of the law" scenario.

Nine-Tenths of the Law:
A grudge match is about to be settled. Both sides bring an ace in the hole—a bodiless spirit with the ability to possess others!

• "Ace in the hole" Each side has a ghostly spirit as one of their characters. This spirit costs 40 points, but does not have a figure. Instead, it is represented by a special marker, called a "spirit counter," and is placed next to one character onyour team.
• "He's acting funny." The character with the special counter next to it is treated as if it had the Mind Control power for as long as it has the counter. If the character makes a successful attack, the attack causes no damage and the counteris moved to the attacked figure. This figure becomes the "possessed" figure, switches sides, and is considered to be part of the controlling spirit's team. The spirit counter may be moved only once per each player's turn. A character withthe special counter cannot be "possessed" by an opposing spirit.
• "Jumping Out" If the figure with the spirit counter is knocked out, the spirit has the chance to jump into another body, even if it has already been moved this turn. This is an immediate attack, and the spirit counter's attack value is considered tobe 9 with a range of 4. This attack does no damage, but instead transfers the spirit to the new body if the attack is successful. If there is no figure within range of the spirit counter, then the counter is considered knocked out.Victory ConditionsAs per the standard rules.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Last Crap Standing

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a trade paperback called "Last Hero Standing" at Dr. Volts and thought it looked pretty good. Finding a good deal on the original 5 issue run on ebay, I picked them up and anxiously read them when they arrived a few days later.
Allow me to sum up my review in 2 words: total crap.
The storyline was too predictable and all the characters were at their lamest. And just when the hell did all the mainstream Marvel characters get replaced ("supplemented" might be a better word) by females?
Spider-Man now has Spider-Girl.
Cap's young blonde doppleganger is called American Dream.
Quicksilver's spot has been replaced by the fully clothed (dammit!) Blue Streak.
Wolverine's daughter Wild Thing is running around with just all the wrong crowds (kids!)
No more Henry Pym as Ant-Man or Yellowjacket, now its Cassie Lang: Stinger!
The Fantastic Four is all skewed with Ms. Fantastic (a Skrull - yikes.)
And the Falcon's seat at the Avengers conference table is crammed with the twin superhero chicks called Ladyhawks.
Anyway, the whole thing was one big yawn, from beginning to end, so for the love of Stan Lee, refrain from reading these books.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

For Those Who Ride The Lightning

I began reading superhero comics in late 1990 and have been a better person ever since. My favorite comic book character has almost exclusively been The Flash. With that year I was able to see my new favorite hero running across my TV screen as well. I saw all of about four episodes before the end of the season. Not to be reshown over the summer and canceled before season two. Now fifteen years later and the rumor of a Flash movie by Batman Begins scribe David Goyer(pimp), we finally get this. I've waited too long for another fix.

Not that this is an important post, just something I wanted to share.