Thursday, November 30, 2006

Game Night

We have a session of Marvel RPG scheduled tomorrow night for those of our gaming group who are interested. I've only seen commitments to play from Beau, Matt and me, so we may end up postponing game night again...or throwing together an impromptu clix game.

We'll assemble at Beau's house again...around 7ish. Bring your character sheets, dice, rule books, chips, drinks and whatever else you think is necessary. Matt promised to bring pizza.

We still need to get confirmation on:

C'mon guys, don't leave us hanging!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Supernova Thanos

Concerning the Unique Thanos found in the Supernova Heroclix expansion set.

He's definitely an improvement on the original Infinity Challenge figure, but he's not exactly what I was hoping for.

I mean, this is supposed to be The Big Bad Infinity Gauntlet wielding mad Titan Thanos, right? His stats are a little weak, even for game playability. This is the guy that killed off a bunch of Elders of the Universe, smacked Galactus around like a red-headed stepchild and took Death as his lover!

What do we get? A 267 point intergalactic wussy who doesn't even fly! Pshaw!

Sure, they did give him the Power Cosmic Team Ability, so at least they got that right, but it just isn't enough, IMO. Anybody who knows how to use a Superman fig in a game should be able to take this wimp out in no time!

It's a good thing I have an extra Unique Infinity Gauntlet Thanos so I can design some better stats for the would-be god of the Marvel U.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Supernova Satisfaction

Sweet! My case of Supernova boosters arrived yesterday and I didn't waste any time bustin' those bad boys open!

I was able to get a complete base set, but alas, no Zombie figure.

I have a few extras, but not many, especially once I pulled out a figure for my custom LE for each character.

I'm surprised at how rare some figures can be. I only pulled 4 Silver Surfers, 4 Thors, 4 Drax's, 4 Dr. Spectrums, and just 1 Starhawk.

Oh, and we're getting together for a game this Friday at Beau's house. Since most of us have the day off, we might even be able to assemble a little earlier than usual if y'all want to.

Beau was the only one who came up with suggestions for the games, which are:

"Since it is Thanksgiving this week maybe the main Clix game should have a “bird” theme. Figure names should have “bird” (such as Warbird) or a type of bird (Batman, Robin, ect) I think if the choice seams too limited we could include figures with wings or wings on their costumes like Capt America has wings on his cowl.

Lets say 400 point “Birds of a feather” game and then 500 point anything goes."

Personally, I would be fine with any flying character for the first game.

Man, now I have to build some teams...that could take hours.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Supernova Madness

Well, it's finally here. The highly anticipated Heroclix expansion set Supernova is now available to Clix players and collectors everywhere. This set promises some extremely valuable pieces for the game, including new and improved versions of Thanos, Thor, and Silver Surfer.

Perhaps the best aspect of this set are the extremely rare Marvel Zombie figures which are found in only 1 out of 100 boosters (approximately 1 in every other case). The Zombie characters include Hulk, Colonel America, Spider-Man and Wolverine (of course...hasn't he been in every set now?)

The interesting fact about these Zombie figures is that they come with a card that allows them to be used in another WizKids game: Horroclix (which I have yet to even play).

Because the Marvel Supernova expansion set was already sold out even before its release date, online sales have skyrocketed. It was available for pre-sale at for it's usual price of $220 per case until Tuesday (its release date) at which time it jumped to almost $290. On ebay, I've seen cases range from $250 to $350 (Buy It Now).

The Zombie clix are going for well over $100 (EACH!) so its obvious that those are highly sought after.

I went ahead and ordered a case and should I be lucky enough to pull a Zombie figure, I have no reservations about selling it on ebay. I mean, c'mon...100 bucks (or more!) for a single figure? That pays for almost half the case! Besides, I may never even play with the damn thing.

It's madness I tell you. Sheer madness.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Future Is Now

Within our gaming group, we've often discussed the superhero characters that we think should be made into heroclix figures.
I've always maintained that WizKids should design and devote an entire Heroclix expansion set to the 2099 characters of the Marvel Universe.
I discovered today that the following collector's set will be released to coincide with the upcoming Supernova clix set:

So let me just say now: Woo Hoo! Bring on the Punisher 2099!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Day Late And A Dollar Short

Well, I'm always a dollar short, but it would seem that I'm almost always a day late as well. At least when it comes to things of the "pop culture" genre.

I was a late comer to all wonderful things Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Astonishing X-Men).

I was a late comer to the adventures of a young Clark Kent in the thrill ride that is Smallville, and I was slightly tardy to the wild parties thrown by Veronica Mars and Commander Adama on the Battlestar Galactica (I'd be willing to say I was only "fashionably late" to those programs).

And most recently, I discovered that I had missed the initial throws of the internet bash that is Red Vs. Blue. Thanks to Matt and Beau, I'm caught up through Season 3 and I've gotta say without any reservation or hesitation, that I LOVE THIS SHOW! It's simple and it's beautiful. It's simply beautiful. I laugh until milk squirts out my nose then I laugh some more.

At first, I didn't want to love these characters, but I just couldn't help doing just that. And the story isn't too bad either.

For the two of you out there who read this and haven't yet jumped on the band wagon that is Red Vs. Blue, I highly suggest watching the series, either online or just do what I'm going to have to do now and just buy the DVDs. (I'll have to see if they're available on Amazon and add them to my wish list.)

Don't make me sic Sheila on you.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

100th Post!

Sweet! This is the 100th post for our blog.

Wait, is it still "our" blog if I'm the only one who contributes to it?

Okay, last night's heroclix games went pretty well. Nate took home the gold medal for the themed game and I think Matt won the open build game...he was the last one standing at any rate. Beau whipped out his Unique Ganthet armed with the Construct card, while Nate played with a Veteran Superman loaded up with cards. Matt used the custom Unique Spectre I designed, while I used the Unique Man of Steel and a Superman Robot combo.

Things were going very smoothly until I tried to make some microwave popcorn tripped a fuse again.

Damn that microwave popcorn! Always causing problems...

We agreed that we'd try for another round of Marvel RPG next Friday, so stay tuned for more exciting scenario updates!

Go Team Hard Corps!

Oh and Matt...the word "corps" is pronounced the same as the word "core." It's not pronounced like the word "corpse" which is of course, a dead body.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Superman's Dad, Batman's Sidekicks and the Squadron Supreme

As per Beaucifer/Psycho:

"Okay Friday at my place Heroclix 500point Parent/Child or hero/sidekick teams and Maybe a 300point open build. All are welcome who want to play."

I keep hinting that I'll be using a Superman/Jonathan Kent team for the theme game, and I'm sure that no one really believes that I will.

I'll show them! I'll show them all!

Pa Kent with the Infinity Gauntlet. The most powerful old dude in...well Smallville at least. Maybe Metropolis as well.

Maybe I'll use a Batman and a bunch of his sidekicks. I'm a sucker for that Batman Team Ability.

I'll build my team(s) tonight.

Hmmm, 500 points. That's a lot of sidekicks. For Batman, there's Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing...maybe Oracle? Oh yeah, I'll have to include that Agents of Oracle card, or whatever it's really called. Maybe it'll give me somewhat of an edge.

Superman needs a sidekick, don't you think? He's got plenty of family to watch his back though, right? Supergirl, Superboy, Krypto...damn, I wish I had one of those clix figures.

Have you guys seen the exclusive Super Skrull Skymaxx clix figure available through Wizard magazine? I went to the website today to try and order one, but I didn't see a link for the Skrull clix, only the Snap Wilson Falcon one. I thought I might at least order one of those, but the link wasn't working...gave me a "Page Not Found" error. I'll have to check back again later. Maybe they're out of the Super Skrull fig.

I think that this Skymaxx character is the Skrull that was part of the Squadron Supreme. It's appropriate since they're introducing some of the Squadron members in the next Supernova set. I've always liked the Squadron, so I'm looking forward to the Hyperion and Power Princess figures. I wonder if there will also be a Dr. Spectrum figure. I can't remember seeing one on their figure list on the Wizkids website, but that doesn't mean there won't be one.

The Squadron does have it's share of lame ass characters though. Like Ape X. A super smart Ape that's bound to a wheelchair ala Professor X. We don't need that character immortalized in a heroclix sculpt, methinks.

Okay, enough rambling.

Who's planning on playing tomorrow night?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Me + Fantastic 4 PS2 Game = Tired Thumbs

I recently ordered some new games for my PS2 console from Amazon and two of them arrived yesterday.

Of course, I had to wait until we got home from taking the kids trick-or-treating before I could try them out, but I was finally able to pop the first game into the machine at about 8:30.

Fantastic Four (based on the movie)

This game is so fun, I actually started giggling like a little girl. After the somewhat lame opening mission, the action really takes off as you play each FF member battling security robots as you attempt to escape from Doom's research laboratory. Mr. Fantastic whips his elongated arms around in a frenzied attack, The Thing does what he does best: pounds everything with his massive fists, The Invisible Woman sneaks around making stealth kills when not using concentrated blasts of her force-field against opponents, and the Human Torch hovers through the hallways tossing fireballs like he was in a snowball fight (with really, really hot snowballs!)

Even on the easy setting, the game can get challenging, especially when your characters is literally surrounded by security droids intent on your destruction. My thumb was getting pretty tired from all the fighting action and I had to take frequent "pause" breaks.

I don't know, maybe I'm just getting old or something.

I let Cosette and Scott take turns playing the superheroes, and while Cosette seemed to catch on pretty well, Scott was having difficulty just getting Sue Storm from one end of the hallway to the other. His hands are a little small for all the buttons and analog sticks on a PS2 controller.

I can't wait to head home after work today and start wailing away on the thugs of the Yancy Street Gang.

"It's Clobberin' Time!"