Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Which X Man (or Woman) are you?

You Are Cyclops
Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause.You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them.
Power: force beams from your eyes
Which of the X-Men Are You?

I am Cyclops!!! Now, why doesn't that surprise me?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

X-Men 3: Hits and Misses.

Warning! This post contains "spoilers".

X-Men 3: The Last Stand.
Or is it? Anyone who's seen the film would agree that it's ending easily allows for a continuing storyline. Whether we'll see any more mutant-related films on the big screen will remain to be seen, although I have heard mention of rumors of a Wolverine spin off flick. Plenty of potential there. He could return to his Alpha Flight roots up in Canada, hooking up with his old super chums of Department H, or head to the oriental island of Madripoor for some adventures under one of his psuedonyms: Patch. A Wolvie film would be fun, as long as they reserved the role for Hugh Jackman who has excelled in the role thus far.

But what of the latest X-Men adventure as presented on the silver screen? With Brett Ratner at the directing helm (replacing Bryan Singer who abandoned the project in order to direct the upcoming Superman Returns film), many fans and critics were expecting great disspointment in the third installment. While I didn't Love X3, I didn't hate it either. I think if I watch it a few more times, I'll gain more appreciation for it.

Now, on to my list of hits and misses:

Killing off two major characters within the first half of the movie: Miss
Special effects of Angel's wings: Hit
Finally showing us the Danger Room: Hit
Only showing us the head of a "Sentinel" during the Danger Room melee: Miss
Rebecca Romijn in her latex body suit: Hit!!!
Introducing characters such as Psylocke, Arclight, Spike, and Callisto: Hit
Failing to tell us which characters they were, however (with the exception of Arclight): Miss
"Fastball Special": Hit!
Madrox the Multiple Man and his special effects: Hit
Juggernaught and his special effects: Hit
Making Juggernaught a Mutant: Miss, but we're willing to overlook it.
Jean Grey as the powerful Phoenix: Hit
Failing to show her fiery bird aura: Miss
Giving Colossus and Shadowcat more screen time: Hit
Giving Storm more screen time: Miss
Failing to bring back Nightcrawler: Miss
Stan Lee's signature guest appearance: Hit!

Well, that's all I can come up with for now.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Custom Master Mold Heroclix

While on vacation to St. George last week, my wife and I decided to let our two oldest kids have 20 dollars of "vacation cash" to spend on whatever they wanted. While making a trip to Wal-Mart for supplies, Scott picked out a Spider-Man figure and a Cyclops figure, both from the Marvel Legends Sentinel series. While I can't bring myself to open action figures just to play with them anymore (hoping to maintain their collectability factor), I didn't mind ripping into the packaging and handing the figures over to my son. This gave me two pieces of the Sentinel, the chest and head and the left arm.
What can I do with these? I asked myself. I decided I would have to just bite the checking account bullet and buy the rest of the figures in order to complete the large figure with the intention of converting it to an oversized Heroclix figure.
Once I had the thing assembled, I designed the stats for it, which I think will go over well should I ever decide to use him in a clix game. My next challenge was, how the hell do I create a base with a dial for him? After some deliberation and experiments, I solved my little dillema.
Taking an extra DVD case, I cut out the "L" window used on every Heroclix battle dial so the "1095 hours free" AOL CD could be seen inside. Then I carefully carved out an opening on the side so I could easily insert a finger in order to rotate the CD. I printed out the stats on some address labels, then cut and pasted them onto the CD, added on the other "printed" features of the dial and viola! Instant Master Mold Heroclix!
He has 25 clicks of play and comes in the usual ranks (Rookie/Experienced/Veteran) with point values of 600/900/1200 respectively.
Since this little project worked out so well and I have so many extra DVD cases, I now endeavor to create oversize heroclix for the other Marvel Legends giant figures (Galactus, Apocalypse, Giant Man) as well as the Marvel Select action figure, Uatu the Watcher.
I shall be the king of oversize and giant Heroclix figures! Bwahahahahaha!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Baron Samedi and Free Comic Books

Baron Samedi (aka Colton "The Sandman" Saunders) is back in Salt Lake City! After spending a few years in Texas, he finally decided to give up his dreams of becoming a rich oil tycoon and return to the city of his roots. A few of us got together with him at my house Friday night and enjoyed Neal's margaritas and a rousing game of Scene It. Beau won, of course. The man is a walking encylopedia of movie trivia. And I'll be damned if I couldn't think of Marlon Brando's name! Stella!!!!
Welcome back Colton! We're glad to have you back. Let the wild time and pee pee dances commence! Ha ha!

Saturday was Free Comic Book Day! Arguably, one of the best days of the year for geeks like us.
I threw the wife and kids in the van (yes, we drive a van...another testament to my lack of cool) first thing in the morning and we were off to Hastur Games and Hobbies. I grabbed the few comics that looked somewhat interesting and made sure my kids had copies of Bongo comics (The Simpsons) and The Justice League, then made a beeline for the free Promo Wolverine heroclix (pictured at right, duh!) I was under the impression that there was only this version with the black shirt available, but when we got to Dr. Volt's comics an hour later, I realized there was also a version with a white shirt (same stats, however.)

As much as I like Wolverine, he's becoming quite common in the Heroclix realm. He's been in all 9 sets of Marvel Heroclix to date, in one form or another (Patch, Logan, Weapon X, or Wolverine) and will be in the upcoming 10th set. How much Wolvie do we need? Give us a better Apocalypse and his four horsemen for crying out loud! (To include Warren Worthington III as Archangel) Seriously, my X-Men box is filled with Wolverines - pretty soon I'll have to have a box for just his figs.

Oh, today is Beau's (Psycho) birthday. Happy 30th bud! Welcome to the club!