Friday, July 14, 2006

Heroclix Scenario: Danger Room Dangers!

X-Men Assemble! Tonight's Heroclix game will be held at Psycho's (AKA: Beaucifer) house at the usual time. Bring your X-Men or X-Men related mutant characters (no bad muties, just the good guys!) Professor X has decided that you all need to hone your combat skills in the recently upgraded Danger Room (now lemony fresh with 20% more deadly excercises!)
The roster of controlling players should include:
Victor, Victoria (Sorry, man, had to do it.)
Neal (maybe)

You'll all be working as a team on this one - you against the Danger Room Computer (I think maybe I'll control that, if no one has any objections.)

Build a 200 point mutant team, with a reserve team of 100 points. If things get too hot in there for you, you can send in re-inforcements!

Regardless of how many players present tonight, we'll all have to squeeze onto one map. Monkey in the middle, perhaps?

I've outlined the basic scenario to y'all in a previous email, but here are the highlights:

A. Each player will be controlling a SQUAD, but all combined SQUADS are part of the overall FORCE, ergo, all powers and team abilites will be interchangeable with each SQUAD (for example, if Neal controls Jean Grey, he may move Matt's Wolverine with her Telikenisis, if they are both in agreement of the move.)

B. Prior to each player's turn, a threat will be randomly determined and placed by the person representing the Danger Room Computer. If threats 3-6 happen to land on a square already occupied by a Player Character (PC) figure, that figure AUTOMATICALLY takes a click of damage and is knocked into an adjacent square.
The threats are as follows:
1 - Battlefield Condition Card. Only one BCC can be in effect at any given time. Each new BCC pulled will supercede the previous one.
2 - Bystander Token. These are "innocent bystanders" caught up in the fray and they are a PRIORITY. PC's must rescue the bystander token (by a successful attack roll against their defense - they might resist) and escorting them to the NEAREST designated starting area.
3 - Low Threat: Wild Sentinel Token.
4 - Medium Threat: enemy mutant figure <100 points.
5 - High Threat: enemy mutant figure >100 points.
6 - Maximum Threat: Sentinel or Nimrod.

I think that's about it. I will need a 20 sided die to determine the placement of threats on the map, so if anyone has one they can bring to the game, please do so.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sinister Endeavors

Ah finally! My case of Marvel Heroclix: Sinister arrived yesterday! I was excited to find that I got every figure from the main set, except the Experienced Bullseye. I even pulled a few extra uniques, so I consider myself fortunate indeed. Of course, I'll never get the LE figures, or the mail-away Venom fig, or even the Armored Spidey, since that's only available at "new guy" night as hosted by a Wizkids sanctioned venue. Oh well, maybe I'll ebay them. Or make my own customs.

I must admit, for as many mistakes that the head honchos at Wizkids make, they make an equal amount of corrections. For instance, they're using a better quality of plastic for the figures. Now, they're more flexible and won't break as easily as previous releases. As always, the quality of the sculpts continues to improve as do the combat dials. Gone, I think, are the days of expensive (with regard to point values) figures with low stats and lame powers. I'll cite Rookie Superman from the Hypertime set. He's a worthless figure that costs 155 points! I don't think I'll ever use him in a game. Why would I, when I've got later versions of Supes to choose from that offer more bang for the buck, so to speak. And I still maintain that the Ultimates Thor is the best figure for the point value. He's a stone cold killer for only 189 points (or is it 186?). Damn, Gina!

With the recent Danger Room Starter set that was released, my friends and I have a couple of minor complaints. For one, they glued Angel and Storm into their flight towers, making them more difficult to store in our craft boxes. Secondly, the map that came with the set is labeled with letters and numbers along two sides, allowing for multiple scenario possibilites. However, the brainiac at the Wizkids QA department failed to notice that the numbered side goes from 6 to 8. What the hell? Maybe I missed the math class that announced that the number 7 is no longer needed.

But Stilt Man is cool. For being such a lame ass character in the comics, they did a good job transferring him into the heroclix realm. He's a guy in an armored suit that can extend his legs so he can peek into 5th story apartment windows. "He's a peeping Tom!"

Oh well. Onward and upward to greater glory I always say. Oh wait, that's Stan Lee. Excelsior! (Damn, I did it again, didn't I?) I need to find my own unique catch phrase that no one else uses.