Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Yawn!)

I'll admit, I let myself get hooked on the GTA games. I'd never played a game quite like GTAIII and the storyline missions notwithstanding, I got a huge kick out of the freedom of the game. I could just wreak havok for kicks, dodging cops all the while.
Then came Vice City. New missions, new map. More fun.
Then San Andreas, which had a HUGE new map and added tons of new features to the mechanics of the game. You now had to keep your character in shape by exercising and eating right - oh, and you could now swim in the water instead of just drowning right away.
When I heard about Liberty City Stories, I fooled myself into thinking it would be another gateway into hours upon hours of Playstation fun. And with a price tag of $20 (I got mine on sale for $15), it was a steal for a new release game. Win-win situation, right?
Yes, there are new missions and there are some minor differences to GTAIII, but otherwise it's the same damn game. If you loved GTAIII as much as I did and it's only been collecting dust on your shelf for the past couple of years, save yourself some cash and just pop it back into your gaming console. You'll have the same amount of fun as you would with LCS.
Trust me.