Saturday, November 04, 2006

100th Post!

Sweet! This is the 100th post for our blog.

Wait, is it still "our" blog if I'm the only one who contributes to it?

Okay, last night's heroclix games went pretty well. Nate took home the gold medal for the themed game and I think Matt won the open build game...he was the last one standing at any rate. Beau whipped out his Unique Ganthet armed with the Construct card, while Nate played with a Veteran Superman loaded up with cards. Matt used the custom Unique Spectre I designed, while I used the Unique Man of Steel and a Superman Robot combo.

Things were going very smoothly until I tried to make some microwave popcorn tripped a fuse again.

Damn that microwave popcorn! Always causing problems...

We agreed that we'd try for another round of Marvel RPG next Friday, so stay tuned for more exciting scenario updates!

Go Team Hard Corps!

Oh and Matt...the word "corps" is pronounced the same as the word "core." It's not pronounced like the word "corpse" which is of course, a dead body.

Just thought you'd like to know.


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