I know it's been awhile since I last posted on this blog.
But no worries...nobody reads it anyway.
We had game night at my house this past Friday night. Beau, Matt and Nate and I played a 100 point "Henchmen Only" game which turned out to be a nice change of pace. No 200+ heavy hitter figs running around the map this time.
We used the new map that came with the Hellboy Collector's set that Beau picked up recently and that was fun. There's a lot of water on that one, so it pays to have figures with the wing and/or dolphin symbol (and there are only like what, eight of those?)
Beau's forces consisted of some Kobra Fanatics and some HIVE Troopers which clashed against Matt's forces...Matt had a couple of Sentinel Troopers and I can't remember who else. Nate utilized the outwit that comes with the Superman TA since he had a couple of LexCorp Battlesuits floating all over the place and I took potshots at him with my two Dreadnaughts. I threw in a Hydra Medic to keep the 'droids lubed up and in working order. That seemed to work out well. Plus, I was able to take advantage of the Hydra TA and increase my attack value on almost every turn.
I need all the help I can get since I tend to roll low.
So, during the battle, one of Matt's Sentinel Troopers made a successful attack on one of Beau's figs and since he rolled doubles, it was an attack with knockback.
Except one of Beau's other figures was directly behind the targeted figure, thus rendering the knockback result ineffective.
I thought about that for a second and came up with the following solution to this problem...possibly something to be considered for a house rule.
In a situation such as this, the figure BEHIND the successfully hit figure is assigned an action token. If the figure already has an action token, he is then assigned a second token and is given pushing damage (unless he/she possesses a power or TA to nullify said pushing damage.) What this does is reflect the targeted character being pushed into an adjacent friendly figure and throwing that figure off balance or otherwise interfering with his/her person during the heat of battle.
This way, the effects of the knockback aren't nullifed, but rather re-directed onto another opposing figure.
Any thoughts or comments on this?