Friday, November 23, 2007

Heroclix: Mutations & Monsters

The latest Heroclix expansion set was released this week. With several new characters added to the roster and a few (much needed) remakes, Mutations & Monsters looks to be very promising.

With a base set of 60 characters, the set is configured the same as the previous two expansion releases: Avengers and Justice League. The breakdown includes 16 Common, 16 Uncommon, 16 Rare, and 12 Super-Rare figures. There are 2 Limited Edition figs thrown in for good measure, but I can only assume those will be made available only at official WizKids sanctioned events. (Translation: I won't ever see them unless I a) actually attend said event, or b) buy one on eBay.)

I'm just hoping that the distribution of the core set is fairly equal. Before WizKids changed the booster/case format, I used to buy a single case of boosters for each expansion set and usually got an entire set, including all the Uniques. With the new format, I'm forced to buy two 20 booster cases in order to get an equivalent result. So far, it's been hit and miss.

With the Avengers set, I was shy only two Super-Rare figures, whearas with the Justice League set, I came up short a whopping FIVE Super-Rares. I realize that there are no guarantees when it comes to randomly-inserted figures, but I had simply hoped for a more even distribution of characters, and thus a more complete set with my bulk purchase.

I don't yet have my M&M boosters - they should be delivered next Wednesday if the UPS website is to be trusted - so I can't make a distribution comparison yet. What I did do however is carefully pore over the collector's list and decide on which figures I'm most looking forward to. With Murphy's Law undoubtedly in effect, these will be the characters I won't pull:

Apocalypse (it's well past time we got one with some decent stats!)

Hulkbuster (I made my own custom version of this Iron Man armor awhile back - but it would be nice to have the offical version.)

Living Monolith (I honestly don't know anything about this character, but it just looks cool.)

Silver Savage (this is probably the figure I want the most, thus making the one I'm least likely to get.)

Wolverine (okay, so this ties for the #1 spot. A Wolverine dressed like Galactus with the Power Cosmic TA. How kick ass is that???)

What will most likely happen is that I'll be stuck with 2 or 3 Cassandra Novas (who the hell is THAT?) and/or Emma Frosts and/or the effing zombie Iron Man character. I know I'm in the minority here, but something about the Marvel Zombie storyline really creeps me out. I'm just not a fan.

Coming of [custom] Galactus event 2007!

Last Friday, the core members of our gaming group assembled at Neal's house for my own version of The Coming of Galactus Event. I had purchased an extremely well-made custom Galactus Heroclix fig on ebay a few months ago (it was a pretty good price and I couldn't pass it up) and I figured it would make an awesome prize at a kick ass game night.

Unfortunately, not everyone was able to attend (Dustin was off getting some "strange" somewhere and Vic probably had his hands full with his new baby.

Our good friend Colton even made an appearance halfway through the event, although he's not a clixaholic like the rest of us are. But that's okay though - it's always a party with that guy around!

I wanted to document the event, so here are some pics:

Neal and Beau strategize during round 1.

Beau manhandles his Green Lantern while Matt (background) comtemplates his next move.

Neal (background) is kicking ass with his Thanos team as Nate is getting his ass kicked by Beau's Green Lantern Corps.

I made Beau pose with the can of Dr. Pepper he kept dropping. Thank God he hadn't opened it yet. Quit spilling stuff on my maps, Beau!

Neal's Thanos team did pretty well. The core figs took some damage here and there, but the Paramedics were always able to patch them back up to their starting clicks. Matt didn't stand a chance.

More of the Thanos team. Mr. Smirnoff and the Cosmic Cube witness the carnage.

I snapped this one shortly after Colton arrived. He finally sat down after insisting on smacking everyone on the ass. That's just the kind of guy he is.

After winning all three rounds of the event, Neal was given the option of two prizes: the Galactus or Colton's impromptu Beercock.

The champion!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Halloween Pics

I love Halloween! You're never too old to play pretend and dress up as something spooky or cool.

My family has tried to maintain a theme for the past few years. We've been characters from the Dukes of Hazzard, The Incredibles, The Scooby Gang, and the Fantastic Four. This year, we wanted to be the X-Men.

I was going to be Professor X, but I couldn't get the bald skull cap to look right and I had to stay late at work on Halloween anyway and wouldn't be able to do any trick-or-treating with the kids, so I just went as the Punisher. (I was the only one in my office to dress up...where's the holiday spirit?)

I LOVED the wife's costume. Obviously, she was Rogue. We couldn't find a brown jacket for the costume, but I think the denim one worked out well.

Here's a group photo of mom and the kids. Shadowcat (complete with her pet dragon Lockheed on her shoulder), Havok, Cyclops and a little Wolverine. We would have liked to put claws of some kind on him, but he just would have poked himself in the eye.