Monday, August 15, 2005

Clixaholics Anonymous

Friday's games went well and all three were fun, despite my initial frustration with my strategy gone horribly wrong the first game. I assigned the Shake Off and Armor Piercing cards to my Bat Sentry, threw it into the fray where Beau hammered away at it. I figured that was all well and good if I could just successfully break away so I could inflict a click of damage to his General and Yellowjacket (only fail on a roll of 1 or 2) and what do I get? A friggin' 2. It doesn't even help to have any sort of strategy when it just blows up in your face, now does it?

In the above photo, Matt's Atlas just found himself trapped behind enemy lines (and Kilowog's barrier.) Beau didn't waste much time laying the smack down with his General, Kilowog and Yellowjacket the next turn.
I had finally managed to push my Custom Iron Giant into some playable clicks and took the high ground shortly after Atlas' demise. Matt's Awesome Andy and Steel figs look on.


At 5:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iran Bans Use of
The government of Iran has banned the use of and has ordered all Iranian ISPs to black and filter the blog rolling service.
I am really impressed with your blog. Thanks!

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Come and check it out if you get time :-)

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Kaplin said...

WTF was that last comment?

I'm sorry I missed the game, sounds like it was very interesting. I'll be missing this weeks game as well but I'll be back in town for the following week. WE'll do a game at my house.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

Hell if I know. Some wacko trying to sell shit on our blog. Can we delete it?


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