Monday, August 22, 2005

Most Recent Customs

I thought you fella's might like a little preview of the customs I've been working on lately. Sorry if the images are a little blurry - I guess I can't get too close with the ol' camera.
This first one is of USAgent. He's made from a Wrecker figure with a Captain America shield. I gave him a custom dial with some Charge, Energy Shield Deflection (which later becomes a click of Impervious, a click of Invulnerability and a couple more of Toughness just to round it out, and some Close Combat Expert at the end of the dial. With the Avengers Team Ability, John Walker should be able to duke it out with the best of them. Oh, and I managed to factor is just right so I didn't even have to alter the point value of the Veteran Wrecker fig, so he costs 131 points.

In order to get my own Unique Fantomex, I snipped the crossed swords off a Deadpool fig and repainted him white. I gave him his correct stats and point value (117), which is a little overpriced, as it turns out. When I plugged the stats into my spreadsheet (which is usually pretty close), the value came out as 101. That's some expensive Outwit and Perplex!!
The Moon Knight fig is my custom Ghost fig. This one was easy to do - just snipped off his gay little "weapons" and painted over the darker spots. The custom dial is sweet though - he's comparable to Invisible Woman with a high defense (19 with Defend) and plenty of Phase/Teleport. Oh, and the Exploit Weakness will come in handy when he's adjacent to some opposition. All in all, he's worth 90 points.
This is my R/E/V set of Cardiac. The little vigilante that could. His respective point values are 55/66/75. The thing I like most about him is, since he's a doctor, he has support for several clicks, meaning he'll be an awesome fig to have on the force should anyone decide to throw down that lousy "War Zone" card. He starts out dealing 4 clicks of damage (or healing, as the case may be) before dropping to 3 for a few clicks, then down to the usual 2 and 1.
And here's USAgent palling around with his old chum, Power Man, repainted in the duds he wore (with great style, I might add) as Luke Cage. I increased his stats somewhat and added a couple of powers raising his point value to 119.


At 7:58 AM, Blogger Kaplin said...

Those turned out great. I really like Cardiac. He looks perfect. And the USAgent is really good.

Amazing as usual.

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

Thanks Hobbes.
Seriously, isn't there a way to delete out all these "hey, check out my business related website" comments. Annoying.

Wait till you see my Goliate repaint. It rocks! The pic I took turned out too fuzzy.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Al Jordan said...

er, I meant to type "Goliath"
LE version. Masters of Evil TA.
Added in some charge.
Point value: 112

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Kaplin said...

I just heard about this crap yesterday and one of my blogs is now hit by them. I changed the comments to only allow registered blogger users to post. Annoying, but less so than the adverts.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Kaplin said...

Wait, I can delete them! W00t!
I'll make comments open again and just patrol for ads. If it gets excessive then I'll restrict things again.

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Baron Samedi said...

Oh Jump’in boot, you be doin some fine work on dat little man! Da Papa Bones be taken care of dat handsome Psycho an his bad juju. It be I who be putting the bad juju on dat one! You need to be common down dis weekend and spend da time wit Papa Bones in New Orleans! You be given me dat address of yous and I be sendin you da ticket! Okay???? You be given me da divination and I be liken dat! I see you be know’in all da boys in dis ting and you be letten me come to dis game. You be use’in da handsome Psycho for da splanchomancy and Samedi take you in…or I be taken you!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!


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