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Who's your favorite super powered comic character and why?
Who's your favorite non-super powered comic character and why?
Welcome to The Rule of Three (or the rule of 3, if you like). We are three guys who love geeky games, books, movies, comics, and TV shows. In short, all things geek.
Wow, that's a good question. I mean what do you base your answer on; Keen prowes, the ability to banter well with supervillians...
Powered: The Flash, beacuse he's views himself the same way I would in his place, not sure of himself, but doing the best he can.
Non Powered: Now this is hard, I'm going to go with the Question. His quest is the truth of all things including him self. He was raised in an Orphanage and doesn't know anything of where he's from.
Favorite, hmmm.....I guess I have to say the Silver Surfer. Mostly because when he's written well he's dark and brooding while being heroic and noble at the same time. He's actually very tortured by his past actions of finding all those souls on all those worlds for Galactus. Not to mention betraying his home world for earth and then losing his true love and soul-mate to boot. He could have very easily turned out bitter, twisted and evil. But he rose above that. Also, he kicks ass in a fight.
Non-powered? I'll say Punisher because he's out there doing what a lot of us want to do. Even when we condemn him for a murdering vigilante, we admire the simplicity of his results.
Powered: Captain America. I admire his ideals, standards and devotion to duty, especially how he's so determined to do the right thing even agains insurmountable odds (like say, Thanos with the Infinity Guantlet.)
Non Powered: The Punisher. He gets results and his enemies rarely come back at him. A little violence goes a long way in the fight against evil.
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Powered: The Crow (Original). His pain, his insanity, his simplicity, and his beauty. In a cold and caprisious world were the bad guys win most of the time I like the thought of some one taking a piece back from the takers.
Non-Powered: John Harigan (Sin Cty:That yellow Bastard). He is a Noble, determind, and hard man that Sacrifices his entire life to save something beautiful. Need I say more?
So, I am a romantic…Eat me.
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