Then & Now
Kids are great...especially when they're your own.
While I'll freely and openly admit that my kids can be a rambunctious lot and at times difficult to handle, I'll also confess my unconditional love for them. More often than not, they're fun to be with and they can make me cry with laughter without even trying to be funny.
One of the things I love about being a parent is sharing with my children the things that I loved as a child. I saved most of the toys I had growing up including all my Hotwheels cars, He-Man figures (and both Castle Grayskull and Snake Mountain playsets) and G.I. Joes (although I haven't let them play with any of those yet).
It's fun to watch them find joy in the things that I once did.
Most recently, I ordered the Cloak & Dagger DVD from Columbia House and when it arrived, I was eager to play it for the kids. I loved this movie as a kid and thought they would enjoy it as well.
As expected, both Cosette and Scott were glued to the screen throughout almost the entire duration of the film. While it's not overtly frightening, there are some moments of intrigue and suspense, during which Cosette would excitedly begin asking questions. "What's going to happen? Who's that? Are they going to kill him?"
My wife had never seen the movie before so she could only give "I don't know" answers, and I only issued my now typical response of "Just watch and see."
It's such a treat to help my children find joy and wonder in the things of the not-so-distant past.