Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Post Game Recovery

Well the "Masked Man" game was the conquest of Ryan. Starting as the monkey in the middle, his pitiful band just happened to lay the smack down on poor Nathan, as my "wait and see" strategy led to very little assistance. While on the other side of the map "Clash of the Bennett’s" was taking place between Matt and Neal, guess ho was the victor. (And no, Victor was not there)

As for the 500pt open build; Matt's medic heavy Spider friends did considerably well until his untimely end at the hands of Ryan and Nate who then turned their aggression toward each other. Neal and I stayed safely out the way attacking all targets of opportunity from a distance.

We were attempting to end the night with the second 200pt open build that not only turned into the game that would never end, but inspired the Last man standing game just to go out on a better note.

Stay tuned for the next exciting game this Friday at my place.

Monday, October 17, 2005

“Who is that masked man?”

I know I'm interupting the flow by posting this before the game recap, but just go with me here.

This week in appreciation of Halloween, the 1st game will be 300pt no fig over 100 points no BFC’s and every fig in play has to be a masked character. Masked figs include Batman, Flash, Captain America, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), etc… Non masked figs include Superman, Hulk, Bizzaro, Namor, etc…

Second game 500 point open build with BFC’s randomly chosen at game time.

And if there is time left we’ll have a 200 point open build no BFC’s, or single fig “Last man standing” with 300 point max.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

For A Limited Time Only

I didn't think of this until I got my case of Indy clix, but I figured out a way to
1.) Enhance my clix collection quite substantially while,
2.) Continuously finding custom projects and,
3.) Making the most of extra figures.

How, you might ask? Simple...inasmuch as they release Limited Edition figures, but since these are so difficult to acquire without paying up the wazoo on ebay, take an extra figure of the character in question, paint the "gold" ring on the base and insert a custom dial with the stats and powers of your choosing. We always talk about how we would have made the characters a little different and this allows us to do so!
For instance, I designed, what I think, is a kick ass Scarecrow. I haven't factored the point value of him yet and he might end up being a little more expensive than his R/E/V versions, but I think his stats represent the increasing fear he inflicts on victims of his fear gas.

Custom LE Dr. Jonathan Crane
Range: 6 Targets: 1 Team Ability: Batman Enemy
Speed 6 6(MC) 6(MC) 5(MC) 5(MC) 4(MC) 4
Attack 7 8(Inc) 9(PB) 10(PB) 9(PB) 8(Inc) 7
Defense 14 15(T) 16(Inv) 17(Imp)16(Inv) 15(T) 14
Damage 1(Out) 2 3 3 3 2 1(Out)

Not that he has any real Invulnerability or Impervious, but victims of his fear gas just think he does and their intense fear of him just makes him that much harder to hit.

If anybody has extra figs they'd like to assign custom stats to, let me know and I can fix 'em up right good for ya!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Game on!

Ok, this Friday we're going to play a 200 Pogs of War scenario. For those of you who don't know, this means you have a 200 point team and a single bystander token. You mission is to protect the token. It's worth 100 points. If an opponent captures the token and returns it to their starting area, they get 200 points.

For the second game I'd like to play Ryan's Champion scenario. This will be the original 600 points. Designate one fig as champion who will be archenemy to all other champions and thus worth double the points. If two figs are already archenemies, then a KO will get you triple the points. (This is a minor deviation from Ryan's scenario)

If we have time we'll play a 200 point open build with BCC.

See you at my place at 1900 on Friday.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The game everyone missed

Yep, there were only 3 of us present for clixing on Friday night: Neal, Matt and me.
We played the Clash of the Champions scenario in which each of our champions was randomly assigned a variety of powers that not only replaced the current powers, but lasted the entire length of their dial.
Neal used a Big Fig Sinestro as his champion, who was awarded all the brown powers of the game. This fig is dangerous enough, but grant him Hypersonic Speed, Poison, Impervious and Perplex, watch the hell out. Between Sinestro and KC Supes, Matt didn't stand a chance. Of course, he was taking hits from both flanks since I came around from the other side with my army of Darksieds. My champion, Big Barda, wasn't all that effective. She had all the purple powers: Force Blast, Smoke Cloud, Willpower, and Close Combat Expert, but got knocked around pretty easily.
Matt declared his Custom Doomsday as his champion and wound up with the green powers: Charge, Super Strength, Energy Shield Deflection, and Enhancement. He also had Obsidian and I don't remember who else.

The second game was borderline laughable. We used the mini-map and Battlefield Condition Cards, but since Matt and I both threw down the "Disbanded" card in an effort to offset Neal's Fantastic Four and Wild Card team (with Invisible Woman as the base and everyone sharing her wicked defense) those cancelled each other out. The only BCC in play was "Atlantis Rising."
Matt, with his custom Robotech figs (?) immediately went after Neal's figs in an attempt to seek justice on the previous game, and I followed suit. We managed to knock out Neal's Loki fig, but that was it. His Invisible Woman took a single click of damage and once he put them in hindering terrain and increased defenses with that lousy "In Contact with Oracle" card, they were untouchable. His Doctor Strange and Doombot were on their way out, but we kept failing our rolls against them. I think at some point, we needed to roll a 21 just to hit them. Insane.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Jumping on the Bandwagon

To capitalize on the card idea I purpose this:

Maximum Yeild

Prerequiste: Energy Explosion

When this charactor makes a ranged attack using Energy Explosion, all successfully hit figures are dealt the attackers full unmodified printed damage value.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ryan's Artifact Cards

My cards aren't as fancy as Neal's will be, but each one has a little picture or symbol just to brighten them up a bit.

Captain America's Shield:

Choose a character.

This character gains Impervious (which replaces any defense power already appearing on the dial) and +2 to his or her defense value.

30 RAC001


Prerequisite: Batman Team Ability

Choose a character.

During a ranged combat or power action, this character may use the Energy Explosion, Smoke Cloud, or Blades/Claws/Fangs power (Optional.)

15 RAC002


Choose a character whose point value is 50 points or less.

This character gains the following powers and abilities:
+2 to all printed values.
A range of 8 if the printed range value is
less than 8.
The wing symbol..
The Power Cosmic TA (replaces printed TA.)

This character may be given any one power at the beginning of the turn and another power at the end of the turn.

100 RAC003


Choose a character.

This character gains the Exploit Weakness power (Optional.)

If the target of an attack is a member of the Superman Ally Team Ability, this character gains a +2 to his or her attack value.

15* RAC004
* 10 if assigned to a character with the Superman Enemy Team Ability.

Punisher Armory:
Choose a character that does not have a team ability and does not have a damage value greater than 3.
This character gains the following powers and abilities:
-1 to printed movement value.
A range of 10 if the printed range value is less than 10.
Energy Explosion (Optional.)
Ranged Combat Expert (Optional.)
Toughness (Optional.)

20* RAC004
* 10 if the chosen character is Punisher.

Mandroid Armor:

Choose a character with the SHIELD or Police Department Team Ability.

This character gains the following powers and abilities for the duration of his or her dial.

Telekinesis (Optional.)
Toughness (Optional.)

15 RAC005

Outwit This!!!

I woke up this morning with heroclix on the brain. More specifically, the use of Feat Cards and our upcoming custom Artifact Cards. We had discussed the possibility of being able to use the Outwit power to "turn off" a card just as you would with a regular power. I think that if the card grants a specific power, then that power can be outwitted, but not necessarily the card itself.
I guess I'm thinking about this because I went ahead and developed a few Artifact Cards last night and they basically give a character at least one power that they may not have had otherwise. Let's say Spider-Man picks up Cap's shield, (which, in my card, grants Impervious as a replacement defense power and a +2 to the Defense value). An opposing figure with Outwit could outwit the Impervious, but Spidey still gets the +2 to his defense, instead of the whole card being outwitted. The question that arises then is, if the Impervious is negated, would Spidey's printed defense power (assuming there in one on that particular click) of say, Super Senses, reappear or would he lose all defense powers altogether? I would like to think that the powers would layer (not stack and be used in conjunction with each other) to where if the top layer is stripped, the second layer would still apply. So if you really wanted to outwit Spidey's defense before trying to smack him around with a Texas sized fly swatter, you'd need two figures with outwit: one to outwit the Impervious and another to then outwit his Super Senses.

As for regular Feat Cards, I suppose outwitting them is possible, but should only be allowed with the successful role of the die. When attempting to Outwit Spidey's "Pounce" card, the player attempting the outwit must role one die. On a result of 4, 5, or 6, the outwit is made, whereas a result of 1, 2, or 3, the outwit has failed. I'm assuming then, that if the outwit fails, that figure may re-direct his or her outwit power to another figure or power. That decision may have to depend on a decision from the "Great and Powerful" Tribunal.

Any thoughts on this?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Power Cosmic Potentials

I need a Tribunal ruling on characters who should have the Power Cosmic Team Ability.
Galactus, Silver Surfer, Nova and Dark Phoenix aside, who else should be granted this mighty ability to inflict great pain and destruction upon their enemies while having panic attacks aboard the mother ship?
I'm thinking, Celestials, Elders of the Universe, and while most Asgardians shouldn't, what about Odin?
And what about stronger versions of Adam Warlock, Captain Mar-vell, and Quasar?


Monday, October 03, 2005

Clash of the Champions

Start planning now for this week's games.

#1: Clash of the Champions. 600 point build total. No BCC's.

The Grandmaster has assembled several teams of various heroes and villains from throughout the multiverse and pitted them againste one another in mortal combat.
Each team must select one character to act as their "champion." this character will be endowed with special powers and abilities which will be randomly determined only immediately prior to game play.

Champions are considered to be arch enemies with each other. If the Champions are already arch enemies to each other (Doomsday and Superman, for example) then a KO will be worth four times their point value.

Game 2: Open Build. 400 point build total. BCCs.

Any questions?

Game 2 results Part 2

Here's an idea of what happened on the other side of the map in game 2. Matt used only his custom Doomsday and Brainiac against Dustin's forces of Superman, Judge Dredd, Judge Hershey, Sauron and a couple medics. Both Matt and Dustin were hoping for the arch enemy points since this version of Doomsday is an arch enemy to any Superman figure, but in the last round, Dustin missed his final attack on Doomsie by one point. It would have been a KO.
Jason won this game as well, walking away with a whopping 900 points (300 of which once belonged to my figures.)

Game 2 results

This one was a bloodbath. My 600 point team proved no match for Victor and Jason's combined 1200 point teams. They came after me but good with heavy hitters like Superman, Dr. Strange, Nova, Magneto, Firelord, Carnage, Nightcrawler, Rasputin and Abbey Chase. I was being outwitted and hit like there was no tomorrow.
Here's an elevated gauntlet I had to run through to try to hit Supes.

Superman just occupied the space where I had my Black Widow. She got knocked back out of the bushes then finished off by a blast from Nova.

Another view of the slaughter.

Game 1 results

Here are some more pics from the 1st game.
Here's the team I played. Matt called it a "KKK" team. That's my custom Fantomex flanked by Scourges and my custom Cardiac and Ghost providing support in the rear. I liked this team because The Ghost has a defense value of 19 with Defend and Cardiac is able to heal up anyone that takes some damage.
Here's Matt's KC Flash and Veteran Sinestro doing battle with Dustin's speedster force of Kid Flash, Jesse Quick and Nightcrawler.

Matt and Jason are plotting their next moves.

Jason ended up winning the game just by KO'ing Moonstar. I don't think there were any other casualties to speak of.

Friday game overview

Friday's games went well at Vic's. His wife was very hospitable and provided us with many snacks and goodies.
There were only 5 of us present, meaning one of us would have to be "monkey in the middle." Matt volunteered for the crap position on the first game.

To the left is Jason's team consisting of Ulitmate Captain America, Black Widow, Daredevil and Hawkeye. He took on Vic's forces of Avalanche, Firelord, Wasp, Raven and Moonstar (not pictured because she got KO'd.

More to follow.